Frequently Asked Questions
- My condominium insurance company is asking for a Wind Mitigation
form and proof of Flood Insurance. Where can I get this information?Many condominium communities have contracted to have a wind mitigation study performed on their buildings. As an Association member, you may request a copy of the Wind Mitigation from Sandcastle. If your Association carries Flood Insurance, your Association’s insurance broker can provide you proof of coverage. Simply call or email Sandcastle for the Insurance Broker contact info.
- Who is responsible for maintenance problems in a condo?In general, the association is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the common areas only. The owner is responsible for the repair and maintenance of any problem within the unit, including any appliance that only serves that particular unit (i.e. A/C unit). For more details, please refer to your condo documents.
- Do owners that rent their units have to pay taxes?Owners that rent their units for periods of 6 months or less need to register with the Lee County Tax Authority and pay the appropriate taxes. Please call 239-466-3330 or send an e-mail to touristtax@colliertax.com for more information.
- Can I pay my maintenance fee monthly? Only if your association’s documents allow for monthly payments. Most associations require the payment to be made quarterly: January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st of each year.
- How do I pay my maintenance/association fees?Once the annual budget is adopted, Sandcastle Property Management will send a coupon booklet to each owner. Each quarter (or month) the payment and coupon should be sent to the association’s bank lockbox. Owners can also choose to send an authorization to the management company to pay via Direct Debit, eliminating the need to mail the payment,
- If I have damage in my unit due to a leak, will the association pay for the repairs? If the leak is caused by a problem in the roof or a problem in a main pipe inside the wall, the association will typically pay for the repair to correct the problem and will replace any damaged drywall. The owner will be responsible for painting the walls and correcting any other internal damage. If the damage was caused by a neighboring unit, the situation should be resolved between the owners and their respective insurance companies.
- Why should I provide a copy of my key to the association?If the association or the management company suspects a possible problem inside the unit, and the unit owner is not available to provide access, the key could prevent further damage by allowing quick access to correct the problem. In lieu of providing a key, if your community’s governing documents permit, the owner may be able to provide the association/management company with the name and phone number of a person in charge of caring for the unit. It is very important that all owners provide the association/management company with an updated phone number, email address and mailing address.
- How do I contact my association’s Board of Directors?As the management agent for your association, Sandcastle will forward correspondences from the members to the Board for review and response. Simply go to the Contact tab on the Sandcastle web site and submit your request.
- How do I become involved in the management of my association?Your association is always looking for individuals to actively participate in the management of your community. Sixty days prior to the associations annual meeting, you will receive notice of the upcoming board of director elections and you will have the opportunity to submit your interest. Your Board of Directors also invites you to attend the regularly scheduled Board meetings. For a schedule of upcoming meetings, simply contact Sandcastle Property Management.
- I want to lease my home/condo. Am I allowed to do so?Each association’s governing documents provides specific requirements for owners wishing to lease their unit to tenants. Prior to agreeing to lease out your unit/home, it is crucial that you review your association’s documents and/or speak with a Sandcastle representative to determine the steps that must be taken to obtain Board approval.
- I want to make a few modifications or upgrades to my condo or home? Do I need approval from the Board?Your communities governing documents may require Board approval for interior and exterior changes. Before hiring a contractor or making any changes to your unit or home, consult you governing documents and Sandcastle Property Management to determine what steps are necessary to have the work pre-approved. Failure to obtain approval may result in association fines and/or being forced to reverse the changes that you made.